How to earn trust and create impact, fast

Trust is crucial in our working relationships, both with clients and colleagues.

Having trust reduces stress and worrying about whether things will get done and to the right standard. 

When there's trust, everything we need to accomplish in our working day becomes easier. If people trust your judgement they'll back your decisions and help you create the right outcome.

So this week I want to share one great way to build trust. And it's super simple.

It's about asking the right number of questions.
If someone comes to you with a problem that needs solving (...which in a leadership role is much of your day...) you need to work out the facts, before you can solve it.

Research shows that if you ask one question and jump straight to a solution you make people nervous. They suspect you don't really understand their problem and are therefore unlikely to trust that you have the right answer.

Whereas asking 3-4 quality questions to deepen your understanding makes the other person feel like you 'get it'

You've taken the time to understand what they need and with that context can offer a meaningful solution that they trust. This answer could be exactly the same answer you would have given after one question, but your credibility is now greater.

P.S. In short, asking questions builds trust and credibility, meaning people are likely to agree with you and act on your ideas. That extra few minutes of questioning also makes your overall delivery faster, because you've got everyone on the same page. 
You've become more of an expert in their eyes.
Interesting, right? So the next time you are tempted to dive in and offer an immediate answer, pause, ask a few probing questions and give the listener confidence you've fully evaluated the situation before responding.Investing a bit more time creates trust.