Don't rob us of your contribution

Give us what you’ve got!

I've noticed that I sometimes censor myself, which means I don't say what I'm really thinking. And I expect I'm not the only one doing this.

What are you not saying? At work, home or with friends?

It’s pretty tiring being radar-on all the time. Why not let some of the real you out? I expect we’ll like it :)

I’m all for professional standards so I don’t mean let out a mean version of you - let out the good stuff!

For example, are you super passionate? People can tell if it’s genuine (rather than cheesy) so feel free to show it. Your excitement is contagious, even in a stuffy room.

Or are you a quiet observer with ideas that could revolutionise the discussion, but you haven’t found an outlet you’re comfortable with? Try a different approach like picking up with the leader 1-1 and see how that feels.

Or are you feeling like your opinions don’t matter? They do. Please ask that question you've been pondering.

Here's some ideas to help you express yourself:
Prepare. Read the minutes/ actions from the last meeting and/ or read the papers being presented. Decide where you stand on the key points for discussion in advance so you're not feeling as pressured to wing it on the spot
Share your questions/ views with the meeting host in advance and ask they flag them to the group when they get to that point in the agenda, saving you doing it 'live'
- If you're excited about the outcome of this meeting, show it! Everyone hates a pointless meeting. Make sure people understand the positive client or internal impact being created as a result of this meeting.

If you can bring your unique perspective and unique gifts to the party we’ll all be better for it. Interested to hear how you get on being more YOU this week. 

P.S. Exciting news!!! I'm creating online self-study resources that will support you in taking the next step in your career - great for those who aren't ready to invest in working with a Coach 1-1. 
The first resource I launch will be FREE - I'll share with you how to access it via this blog in late November so keep an eye out :) I believe your next role is in your existing network - the free audio and workbook I share will help you leverage your contacts to find it.