They hired you, so be you

There's a lot of people in corporate, behaving like corporate professionals. This 'stale' feeling is one you can quite quickly get rid of. And I don't mean cover it up by taking superficial actions like venting to mentors and friends. I mean action you can take to change your mindset. The short answer is: be more unapologetically you.

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Who's the imposter now?

Have you ever been asked to do something at work where you’ve felt ‘No way! I can’t do that!’. 
This feeling of doubt is called imposter syndrome. Personally I prefer the term imposter experience - it’s unlikely that you have a ‘syndrome’ if you’ve experienced any of these feelings. In my experience we’re all prone to doubt ourselves every now and again.

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I can tell what you're thinking...

I expect you've heard before that most of our communication is via body language and tone of voice, with words only accounting for c7% of our impact. I have seen this from a new perspective this week. I've been on an NLP course (neuro linguistic programming)and qualified as a practitioner to add to my coaching tool kit to support my clients. 

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Be a bit impatient

I think it's best to be a bit impatient. Have you ever been told any of these..."Just keep doing what you're doing," "you'll get that promotion eventually," "I'm sure a role will be available soon," "that next opportunity will have your name on it," "good things come to those who wait."
I disagree. There's been one point in my career to date where waiting was the right call. Once.
It's generally not best to wait. Waiting doesn't create the role you want.

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Quit complaining

Get a band/ bracelet to wear around your wrist and start a 30 day no complaining challenge. If you verbalise a complaint, you fail. You switch the band/ bracelet to your other wrist and start the 30 days again.

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