Does faking it work?

You've heard the phrase 'fake it till you make it'.

But does it actually work? In short, yes it can.

I'm not talking about pretending you're able to do something vital that you're unqualified for, like offer someone medical attention when you're a lawyer.

Where faking it is helpful, is when it boosts your existing performance.

For example, if you're nervous before a presentation or client meeting, 'faking' confidence works.

It works because standing taller, smiling and speaking with an assured tone, will make you FEEL more confident. Even when inside you're a bag of nerves. This is because the confident stance alters your physiology, which in turn signals to your brain that everything is under control and it can calm you down.

We create new neural connections, essentially re-wiring our brains, through our thoughts and actions. For example, if you're doing a new activity like sailing, you're creating new neural pathways for the thoughts and processes that need to occur for you to learn how.

We're constantly re-wiring our brains without even thinking about it, so why not leverage this amazing ability consciously?

You could create new beliefs that support your H2 goals. E.g.
- I'm growing in confidence
- I'm actively working towards my next role
- The value I provide is increasing every day

Whatever phrase works for you. Save it as your phone screen saver or set a reminder to pop up each day. Each time you say it, it's registering in your mind. Repeat it and it will start to stick.

Soon enough you'll have created new wiring that supports you. Interested to hear what you'll be wiring in.

Next week I'll share some ways to 'un-wire' the unhelpful beliefs that could be holding you back.

P.S. In short, it is possible to fake it until you feel it :)